What is Literature for?

Literature is the art of the word. We can say that literature, as well as the language it uses, is an instrument of communication and social interaction, it fulfills the role of transmitting the knowledge and culture of a community.

Literature is linked to the society in which it originates, as well as all types of art, as the artist cannot be indifferent to reality.
The literary work is the result of the dynamic relationships between writer, audience and society, because through his works the artist transmits his feelings and ideas of the world, leading the reader to reflect and even change his position in relation to reality, so literature helps in the transformation process Social.

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Literature can also take forms of criticism of the surrounding reality and social denunciation, transforming itself into an engaged literature, serving a political-ideological cause.

We can say that the literary text leads the reader to imaginary worlds, causing pleasure to the senses and sensibility of man.

Literature has become, in various parts of the world, a school subject given its importance for the language and culture of a country, as well as for the formation of young readers.

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature
Brazil School Team

Literature - Brazil School

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SILVA, Marina Cabral da. "What Is Literature for?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/literatura/para-que-serve-a-literatura.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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