THE parasynthetic shunt it is a process of word formation that consists of having added affixes to your radical before and after simultaneously. Comprehensively, the derivation it is the process of forming a new vocabulary based on the root of an existing one. In addition to parasynthetic, there are other types of derivation, such as prefixal, suffixal, regressive and inappropriate.
Read too: Derived noun - originated from another word in the language
What is parasynthetic shunt?
Parasynthetic shunt is a type of shunt in which both prefix and suffix are added to generate a new term. This means that affixes are added before and after the radical.
- The most common prefixes in this type of derivation are The-, en-, s-.
- The most common suffixes in this type of derivation are -ear, -ecer, -eja, -ize.
You can also find other prefixes and suffixes in this type of derivation.
Heads up: It is important to note that it is not possible to add only a prefix or suffix, because in the parasynthetic derivation, both are part of the formed word, not being possible separate them from her. The word formed by parasynthetic derivation
can't make sense if its prefix or suffix is removed.Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
Examples of parasynthetic derivation
The parasynthetic shunt is quite common in the formation of verbs or of adjectives. See below:
Prefix radical suffix |
Thebotoair |
Themorningecer |
Thenightecer |
Thestoneejar |
Thefeargo |
Thehorrorgo |
inpoorecer |
enangerecer |
enlamear |
endeafecer |
enlateecer |
envaidecer |
are youflyhaunt |
Note that, in the previous examples, there was simultaneous addition of prefix and suffix to generate the new term. In these cases, it is not possible to remove only the prefix or just the suffix of these words, as they would not make sense in the Portuguese language. Watch:
If we removed just the prefix or just the suffix, there would be no sense in the words "angry"/"angry" or "angry". Therefore, it is necessary for the prefix and the suffix to be present at the same time for the term to make sense.

Differences between parasynthetic derivation and prefixal and suffixal derivations
There is discussion among grammarians about the difference between words formed by parasynthetic derivation and words formed by prefixal and suffixal derivation at the same time.
if, in the derivation parasynthetic, there must be prefix and suffix together for the word to make sense, the same does not occur in words with prefixal and suffixal derivation.
In parasynthetic derivation, prefix and suffix are connected dependently so that the word makes sense, it cannot be separated.
already in words with prefix and suffix derivation, the prefix and the suffix are not dependently linked, on the contrary, are independent. In this case, the meaning changes when the stem appears with just the prefix, just the suffix, or both. See the difference:
Derivation |
Derivation |
Thehorrorgo |
desloyality |
- |
desloyal, loyality |
See that, in the case of "terrorize", it is not possible to remove the prefix or suffix, as words like “terror” and “terrorize” make no sense in the language. It is a parasynthetic shunt. In the case of word "disloyalty", the absence of the prefix or suffix still brings other terms that make sense: “disloyal” and “loyalty”. In this case, it is said that, in the word “disloyalty”, there is prefixal derivation and suffixal derivation, since there was an addition of prefix and suffix to generate the new term.
See too: Primitive noun - type of noun that gives rise to other words
solved exercises
Question 1 - (Fuvest - adapted)
Read the excerpt.
“A study by the NGO Instituto Pólis shows that, Unfortunately, without the correct treatment and disposal […].”
Check the alternative that contains a word formed by the same process as the highlighted term.
A) unfaithful
B) democracy
C) werewolf
D) illegality
E) citizenship
Alternative D. It is the process of derivation by addition of prefix and suffix, which occurs both in “unfortunately” (in + happy + mind) and in “illegality” (i + legal + age).
Question 2 - (Funcab - adapted)
The word underlined in the excerpt "...trying frighten the Soviets...” is formed by the process of:
A) prefixal derivation.
B) suffix derivation.
C) parasynthetic derivation.
D) composition by juxtaposition.
E) composition by agglutination.
Alternative C. There is a parasynthetic derivation based on the noun "fear" (amedronting).
By Guilherme Viana
grammar teacher
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VIANA, William. "Parasynthetic shunt"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.