Life Expectancy in Cuba

Cuba is one of the countries that make up Latin America. The same has as president Raul Castro, however, since 1959 it has been directed by the dictator Fidel Castro. Even with several economic problems arising from the embargo applied by the United States and its allies, Cuba managed to achieve a good HDI (Human Development Index), the country has one of the best in the world.
Among all the social indicators, as a result of data released by the Cuban government itself, we can highlight the population's life expectancy. According to a survey carried out by the government, Cuba has a life expectancy of approximately 78 years. This data leaves the country with one of the best rates among all countries in the American continent.
Cuban life expectancy exceeds the Brazilian one, which is 72.3, according to data issued by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). The result achieved is mainly due to the fact that the population is provided with welfare policies. Another important aspect was social promotion, developed in almost half a century.

Recently, it is possible to identify an aging of a large part of the population, caused by the rise in life expectancy along with the drop in birth rates. According to ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), life expectancy in Cuba has achieved great leaps in history: in 1955, life expectancy was 51.8 years, in 2005, it jumped to 73.4 years old.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Life expectancy in Cuba"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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