JK political victory. The 1955 Elections

question 1

(Cesgranrio) The famous ordinance 113 of the SUMOC (Superintendence of Currency and Credit) of the Ministry of Finance, in the management of Coffee Son, it was one of the bases for the implementation of one of JK's main government programs, the "fifty years in five", why:

a) made it possible to expand Brazilian exports to attract foreign exchange.

b) attracted foreign investments to the agro-industrial sector, which needed to be modernized.

c) inserted Brazil into the international economic market, by changing exchange rates.

d) made it possible to attract foreign capital associated with national capital.

e) reduced the supply of currencies and made it difficult to grant loans to contain inflation.

question 2

(Puc-SP) Read the excerpt below to answer questions i and ii.

"Vargas' suicide did not stop a possible udenista coup, so much so that Café Filho assumed the Presidency of the Republic and governed with a conservative ministry. The great defeat of the right was in October 1955, when Juscelino Kubitschek won the presidential elections in alliance with João Goulart. The 1961 crisis ended up strengthening democracy as a fundamental value of the Republic."

Marco Antônio Vila. "Jango. A profile (1945-1964)". São Paulo: Globo, 2004, p. 240

i – Based on the various political episodes listed in the text and their knowledge of the 1945-1964 period, it can be said that the

I) dispute between right and left was expressed in the confrontation between the military and politicians of the UDN (União Democratic Party) to supporters of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), the two main political forces of the era.

II) the death of Getúlio Vargas, contrary to what the official story tells, was caused by a conservative action of politicians linked to the PTB (Brazilian Labor Party).

III) electoral victory of Juscelino Kubitschek and João Goulart, left-wing politicians, favored the immediate realization of the right-wing military coup that prevented JK's inauguration and deposed Goulart from the presidency in 1964.

IV) the resignation of Jânio Quadros, in 1961, provoked a deep political crisis and, despite attempts coupists, political negotiations ensured respect for the Constitution and the inauguration of Vice President João Goulart.

V) the 1955 presidential election defined the end of Vargas' influence, given the support that unions and workers' centrals gave to João Goulart's candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic.

ii – The sentence

I) “Vargas' suicide did not stop a possible udenista coup” indicates that the author believes that the President's suicide, in August 1954, did not prevent the political rise of the right.

II) "The great defeat of the right, then yes, was in October 1955" indicates that the author believes that the Electoral victory of Juscelino Kubitschek was a historic political triumph for the Communists Brazilians.

III) "The 1961 crisis ended up strengthening democracy as a fundamental value of the Republic" indicates that the author believes that, after the resignation of Jânio Quadros, Brazil definitely became a democracy.

IV) “Café Filho assumed the Presidency of the Republic and governed with a conservative ministry” indicates that the author believes that the right managed to impose its government project from 1954 onwards.

V) “Juscelino Kubitschek won the presidential elections in alliance with João Goulart” indicates that the The author believes that in 1955 there was no risk for the continuity of the political hegemony of the vargusism.

Choose the alternative that contains the two correct answers.

a) i-IV and ii-V.

b) i-V and ii-III.

c) i-IV and ii-I.

d) i-II and ii-I.

e) i-III and ii-II.

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