Fruits. Fruits: Fruits in English

Fruits are an inexhaustible source of vitamins. In addition, they also provide us with water, mineral salts and proteins. A big advantage of fruits is that most of them are low in calories. The fruits in English are:

Avocado - avocado

I like to eat avocado with milk. (I like to eat avocado with milk).

Pineapple - pineapple

my mother hates pineapple juice. (My mom hates pineapple juice).

Plum - plum

Plum is a delicious fruit. (Plum is a delicious fruit).

Blackberry - raspberry

Bob loved to eat raspberry when he was a child. (Bob loved to eat blackberries when he was a kid).

Banana - banana

Banana avoids muscle cramps. (Banana prevents muscle cramps).

Cashew - cashew

My brother is making a cashew juice. (My brother is making cashew juice).

Cherry - cherry

I love to put a cherry on my ice cream. (I love putting a cherry on my ice cream).

Coconut - coconut

Mary loves coconut water. (Mary loves coconut water).

Guava - guava

Guava is a wonderful fruit.(Guava is a wonderful fruit).

Orange - orange

I like to drink orange juice during my breakfast. (I like to drink orange juice during my breakfast).

Lemon - lemon

Lemon is an acid fruit. (Lemon is an acidic fruit).

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Mango - mango

Mango is nutritive. (Mango is nutritious).

Apple - apple

My sister gave an apple to her teacher. (My sister gave an apple to her teacher).

Melon - melon

I do not like melon. (I don't like melon).

Papaya - papaya

Papaya is good for the intestine. (Papaya is good for the gut).

Passion fruit - passion fruit

I always sleep a lot when I drink a passion fruit juice. (I always sleep a lot when drinking passion fruit juice).

Watermelon - watermelon

I can not eat a whole watermelon. (I can't eat a whole watermelon).

Strawberry -strawberry

Strawberry milk shake is delicious. (Strawberry Milk Shake is delicious).

Pear - pear

I see you two pears this morning. (I ate two pears this morning).

Peach - peach

I love peaches in syrup. (I love peaches in syrup).

Grape - grape

My grandmother made a delicious grape juice yesterday. (My grandmother made a delicious grape juice yesterday).

Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva
Brazil School Collaborator
Degree in Languages ​​- English from the State University of Goiás - UEG
Improvement course in English by Zoni Language Centers - USA - USA

English - Brazil School

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SILVA, Layssa Gabriela Almeida e. "Fruits"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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