Areas of Study of Biology

THE Biology (from the Greek βιος, bios = life; and λογος, logos = study) is the science responsible for the study of life: si emergence, evolutionary process, constitution and forms of relationship between individuals of the same species or different species and also with the abiotic world.

Although analyzing the whole through its parts does not always faithfully correspond to the real, it would be basically impossible to study biology without making divisions.. This text will present some areas of study of this science.

Main areas of Biology

- Cytology (or Cell biology), as the name suggests, it is responsible for the study of cells: their composition, structures, organelles and metabolism;

- Embryology: responsible for the study of the fetal develop;

-Histology: study of animal tissues (muscular, epithelial, connective and nervous);

- Anatomy: study of body structures;

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- Microbiology: study of microorganisms - virus, bacteria, arches, fungi and protozoa;

- botany: study of plants;

- Zoology: study of animals. Didactically, Zoology can be divided into Invertebrate Zoology and Vertebrate Zoology. Academically speaking, there are researchers who turn to specific groups, such as Entomology (study of insects) and Herpetology (study of reptiles and amphibians);

- Genetics: study of the laws of heredity;

- Evolution: study of the transformation processes that populations and species undergo over time, which give rise to new forms of life;

- Ecology: study of the relationships of living beings with each other and with the environment;

- Paleontology: study of fossils.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Areas of Study of Biology"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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