HDI, schooling in Brazil

For the consolidation of an HDI (Human Development Index) the level of schooling or illiteracy of a country is evaluated, among other factors. In the educational segment, that is, in the level of schooling of a large part of the population, the indices Brazilians are not the best, they lag behind all developed countries and many underdeveloped.
Today in Brazil, approximately 12% of the Brazilian population is illiterate, which means that approximately of 22 million people cannot read, write or master calculus, these are considered illiterate.
Several southern countries (the name given to underdeveloped countries, which are mostly located in the southern hemisphere) through a lot of effort have achieved a significant reduction, close to zero, in illiteracy rates, of which we can highlight: South Korea and Uruguay (2%), Argentina and Cuba (3%), Chile (4%) and Mexico (10%).
As for secondary education, the percentage in Brazil of adults who completed this stage is restricted to 14%, in other countries such as Malaysia the percentage is 21%, in Chile 26% and in South Korea 62%.

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Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Human Geography of Brazil - geography of Brazil

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "HDI, schooling in Brazil"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/brasil/idh-escolarizacao-no-brasil.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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