Meaning of Misery (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Misery means begging, state of penury. It is an expression used when pertinent to the lack of basic survival needs.

Misery also means, pity, shame, when referring to the quality of a service offered. Ex: The public health service is a misery.

Misery also means pettiness, greed, which is the attachment to money, to the excessive appreciation of material goods.

The expression misery can still be used to determine a vile procedure, that is, when an individual practices some act of evil. Ex.: He is a miserable individual.

Misery is also a tiny portion of anything, a trifle, a trifle, Ex: Employees receive misery.

It can also be used to designate misfortune, intense suffering, misfortune.

Misery is even used to define human weaknesses or imperfections. Ex: Addiction is a misery.

In the figurative sense "a misery" is something insignificant, unimportant, very bad.

"Making misery" is a popular expression that means to do the extraordinary, the admirable, but it is also to make trouble, disorder and practice folly.

Misery and social inequality

Social inequality is the division existing in society, based on the individual's social status. It is the result of the way people live within a nation. It is the division of individuals based on social classes, demonstrating the existing inequality between them, be it economic, professional or even in terms of opportunities.

The income disparity between individuals exists and has always existed in all societies. Excessive inequality is harmful when a significant portion of the population is deprived of basic living conditions, while a small elite lives in wealth. One can see the difference between people from different social classes, whether in the way they dress, live and even in the degree of influence of the individual within society. Social inequality becomes greater for individuals who live in extreme poverty, in begging.

Philosophy's Misery

Misery of Philosophy is a book written by the German philosopher Karl Marx, where he makes a critique of the work written by the French philosopher, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Systems of Economic Contradictions or Philosophy of Misery. In Marx's work, despite agreeing with Proudhon's ideas that applied economic policy led the worker to a situation of misery, disagreed with the economic principles described, especially in the direct relationship between work and wage.

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