Standard Model of Particle Physics

What is the Standard Model?

Since 1930, from various researches and scientific discoveries, physicists have concluded that the structure of all known matter is formed by fundamental particles. These particles were organized in a table that brings together a great deal of theoretical knowledge: the Standard Model.

In the current model, we find a total of 17 particles. For each of them, there is an antimatter particle, with the same mass but opposite charge.

Subdivisions: Fermions

Within the classification, there are subdivisions. In purple and green the fermionsdivided into:


These are the particles responsible for the strong force that form the hadrons (protons and neutrons, for example). Are classified into flavors: quark up, charm, top, down. strange and bottom. Feature the color cargo.

  • The color charge has three states: Red, green and blue.


Among the leptons, there are electrons, muons, you leptonsfine and their respective neutrinos. The first three have electric charge, while its neutrinos have zero electrical charge.

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  • The electrical charge has only two states: positive and negative.

⇒ All fermions have pasta.

Subdivisions: Bosons

In the Standard Model table, in the colors Red and yellow, we have the bosons: are the massless particles responsible for the interaction between the fermions. THE electric repulsion between two electrons, for example, is mediated by the boson called the photon.

The bosons are divided into:

  • photons – are the mediating particles of electromagnetic force, who is responsible for the electrical attraction or repulsion;

  • Gluons – They are the mediating particles of strong force, which is responsible for the formation of particles such as protons and neutrons;

  • Z and W bosons - They are the mediating particles of weak force, which is present in radioactive decays;

  • Higgs' Boson– The last fundamental particle to be discovered was proposed by Petter Higgs in 1960 and is responsible for assigning mass to all other particles.

By Rafael Hellerbrock
Graduated in Physics

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

HELERBROCK, Rafael. "Standard Model of Particle Physics"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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