Influenza and the Vaccination of the Elderly Population

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The National Vaccination Campaign for the Elderly (over 60 years of age) against influenza (flu), provided annually by the Federal Government / Ministry of Health / Unified Health System - SUS, began this Saturday, April 28, 2008, with continuous supply around May 9 throughout the parents.
Although there is a recommendation and intense dissemination so that the group in this age group has proper access to the vaccine, without any burden (cost) and facilitated by the distribution from various points spread out in places of great circulation: schools, supermarkets, pharmacies, bus stations and others, such as the unit (station) of health; even so, adherence to this practice, in guaranteeing the integral health care of the elderly, is not consistent with the reality facing the need, given the commitment of the interested parties or their responsible.
Several studies indicate that immunization against influenza, applied preventively, reduces morbidity rates (rate of carriers with a certain illness) and mortality (number of deaths per inhabitant), associated with diseases that affect the elderly body and in individuals with chronic diseases: heart failure and respiratory infection.

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For example: An elderly individual with poor blood pumping due to heart disease, has its clinical picture aggravated and often collapses when infected by a viral load (the flu). Situation that normally requires agility from the body, which does not occur as a result of age and compromising other systems (muscular and respiratory), responding slowly and ineffectively by not working as in youth.
In this sense, to minimize the damage that affects this select and important social group, it is extremely necessary to promote the quality of life, an attenuated injection, allowing more memory, however this being immune, out of great consideration to those who provide encouragement and immeasurable source of wisdom to our probable state, through each simple presence.

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By Krukemberghe Fonseca
Graduated in Biology

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RIBEIRO, Krukemberghe Divine Kirk da Fonseca. "Influenza and the Vaccination of the Elderly Population"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
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