Is it prohibited or is it prohibited?

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Is the entry of strangers prohibited or Is the entry of strangers prohibited?
It is prohibited, like the expressions “it is necessary”, “it is necessary”, “it is good” and “it is allowed”, it is invariable when the subject is not determined by article or by certain pronouns.
Through this quick definition we can tell which of the two opening clauses is wrong!
Please note: It is prohibited The entry of strangers. Who is the subject of the sentence? Entry of strangers. Note the presence of the article “a” before the nucleus of the subject “entrance”.
Now, let's reverse the sentence: Entry of strangers is prohibited. See how weird it gets? There is no agreement between subject and complement. The right thing would be: The entry of strangers is prohibited.
“Forbidden” in this case agrees with “entry”.
Now please note: It is forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages to minors.
There is no article or pronoun that determines the subject, which, by the way, is the subordinate clause reduced to an infinitive (sell drink):

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It's forbidden sell drink. Selling alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Selling is prohibited. Selling is prohibited.
See how strange it would be: It is forbidden to sell liquor. But: The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, isn't it! This is because the article “a” and the core of the subject “sale” are feminine: The sale (of alcoholic beverages) is prohibited. Sale is prohibited.
When in doubt, invert the sentence as explained above and also check the presence of article “a”, if applicable, use is prohibited.
Other examples with the expressions "it is necessary", "it is necessary", "it is good" and "it is allowed":
The) It is necessary prudence when driving. (no article present)
B) It's needed caution with certain advice.
c) No it's allowed dogs in this enclosure.
d) The presence not of dogs is allowed.
and) The waterit's good for health.
f) Waterit's good to moisturize your skin.
g) presence of children in this room é strictly prohibited. (note that there is no article present).
H) The presence of children in this room is allowed.

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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "It is prohibited or prohibited"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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