Biology concepts that should not be confused in Enem

Biology is a science rich in terms, which often cause confusion among students. Although it seems complex, understanding these terms directly contributes to a better understanding of the contents of this course and also for a correct interpretation of the entrance exam and the And either. Below we will list some of the terms we can't confuse, mainly in the And either!

Both meiosis and mitosis are cell division processes, however, these two types of division differ mainly with regard to the characteristics of the daughter cells. In the case of mitosis, it is observed the formation of two new cells with the same number of chromosomes of the mother cell. THE meiosis, in turn, gives rise to four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes.

The primary function of mitosis is to ensure the growth and development of living beings, being a process, therefore, that occurs throughout life. In some single-celled organisms, this form of cell division sets up a means of reproduction.

Meiosis, in turn, is responsible for producing gametes. As it is a reduction division, the gametes, when they fuse, return to the normal amount of chromosomes of a species. If the gametes were formed by mitosis, a division that maintains the number of chromosomes, when fertilization occurs, the number of chromosomes of the species would be double.

O gene can be defined as a portion of DNA which is responsible for determining a trait transmitted by inheritance. alleles, in turn are genes that occupy the same position on homologous chromosomes, being, therefore, alternative forms of the same gene. Despite being related to the same trait, alleles can determine different aspects. As an example, we can mention the gene that controls the production of melanin, which has an allele that determines production and another that determines albinism, that is, the absence of pigment.

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We call the molecules that are capable of binding an antibody antigens.. When these antigens trigger an immune response, we say it is an immunogen. Antibodies, in turn, are glycoproteins produced by plasma cells after some stimulus. In a simple example, we can say that a virus is an antigen, as it is capable of binding to a antibody, and the antibody is the glycoprotein produced to interact with the antigen and protect our body.

The ecological niche is a well known concept and also discussed among researchers. One of the best known definitions of niche is the one that says a species' niche is its function or position in a particular ecological community.. This means that the niche refers to the food of an organism, its way of life, its predators, the ecological relationships it performs, among other factors. Habitat, in turn, is a simple concept and refers to the place where a particular species lives.

Population refers to a set of organisms of the same species that live in a certain environment and for a certain period of time. This means, for example, that lions that live in an area of ​​the savanna are a population. The community, in turn, refers to the set of several populations that live in a certain place and in a certain period of time. In the case of the savanna, a community would be formed not only by lions, but also by giraffes, zebras, plant species, among others.

In addition to these concepts, several others can be fundamental for taking tests. Therefore, always look for the meaning of unknown terms. Despite the evidence being increasingly contextualized, theoretical knowledge is essential to answer them!

Good studies!
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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