Brain migration. Knowing what brain migration is

Some countries that live in extreme poverty, such as the African ones, for example, lose their great scholars and scientists to the central countries. Russia has lost most of its scientists; in India, doctors that cost the government around 2 million dollars leave the country and go to be part of universities and research centers in central countries.
In the Philippines, thousands of students go to other countries; in El Salvador, Central America, nearly 50% of its population went to the United States; in Brazil, in the 60's - military period, there was a great incidence of migration of important thinkers and scholars to various parts of the world, which meant huge losses to the country.
This migratory flow in relation to highly qualified professionals greatly harms the countries of origin, as they do not contribute to technological, scientific and informational growth, indispensable requirements for the development of any country, as well as the countries that receive, in great majority rich, are benefited by guaranteeing their hegemony and the concentration of information and technologies in their hands.

On the other hand, these phenomena are surprising in another sense, in El Salvador immigrant workers send more money than the country's export volume; in the Philippines, thousands of nurses are trained with the intention of being “exported”, because when they are working, they send remittances that exceed the amount spent on education.

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Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Migration of brains"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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