THE Northeast region it is characterized by drought, caused by several factors, including geographic location. The region is located in the Earth's intertropical zone, so because of the amount of light that falls on the surface of the site, the temperature is very high throughout the year. In this region, rains are not well distributed throughout the year. Three types of climate are identified throughout the Northeast region: tropical, semi-arid and humid equatorial.
tropical climatel: occurs mainly in southern Bahia, central Maranhão and on the coast of all the states in the region. This type of climate has two well-defined seasons, one dry and one rainy.
semiarid climate: covers especially the central region of the Northeast, where temperatures are high throughout the year, rainfall is irregular and there is a prolonged drought.
Wet equatorial climate: is identified in a restricted area of the region located west of Maranhão, which is influenced by the equatorial climate, with high temperatures and abundant rainfall.
As for the vegetation cover, the region has several configurations. Along the coastal areas, mangroves, dune vegetation, etc. are found. In places where the tropical climate occurs, such as in the center-west of the region, the Cerrado is found. In regions where the semi-arid climate prevails, the Caatinga is found. In the extreme west of the Northeast region, where the climate is equatorial, the vegetation found is the Amazon forest, in addition to the occurrence of Mata dos Cocais.
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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Northeast climate and vegetation"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
geography of Brazil

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