O diabetes is a chronic disease that reaches people of different age groups around the world. It is estimated that only in Brazil there are more than 13 million people with the disease, which equates to approximately 6.9% of the entire population. Given the growing number of people with diabetes, it is essential that everyone knows how to live with the disease.
Before mentioning some precautions that a diabetic should have, it is important to understand what the disease is. O diabetes is caused by the lack of insulin in the body or by the organism's inefficiency in using this hormone. It's important to remember that insulin controls the amount of glucose in the blood; therefore, problems in its action cause blood glucose levels to become high (hyperglycemia) and impair the proper functioning of the body, even causing damage to some organs.
To avoid complications from diabetes, it is important to be very careful in the daily routine, avoiding behaviors that directly affect health. Here are some precautions that patients with diabetes should take to stay healthy:
How to live with Diabetes?
→ Seek a doctor so that he can give you a proper eating plan. Usually, fiber intake is recommended, as they act in glycemic control, in addition to limiting the amount of carbohydrates ingested.
→ Avoid the use of sugar and sweeteners whenever possible. When it is really necessary to sweeten, prefer sweetener.
→ Physical activity is important for everyone; with the diabetic, it would be no different. However, people with diabetes must be extra careful and always remember to measure their blood glucose before engaging in an activity. With values above 250 mg/dl, it is important to measure ketone bodies in the urine, which must be absent. In case of impossibility of dosage, exercise cannot be performed. During exercise, it is also important to measure blood glucose after 45 min of activity and, during this period, it is essential to replace fluids, salts and carbohydrates. If you feel any discomfort, the exercise should be stopped.
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→ Do not smoke, as this habit can lead to complications, such as an increased risk of heart disease. It is noteworthy that some studies suggest that smoking can be a triggering factor for the disease.
→ Always consult your doctor and check if your glucose levels are in accordance with the goals established by that professional. It is also important to check blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.
→ Never self-medicate as many medications can increase blood glucose levels.
→ Never follow diets that appear on the internet in order to magically cure diabetes (Read: okra and diabetes). The disease must be monitored by a physician and his recommendations must be strictly followed.
Heads up!Patients who do not adequately control diabetes may suffer from blindness, kidney failure, stroke, ulcers, limb amputation, urinary incontinence, cognitive impairment, among other problems bass.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Diabetes—Health Care"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/diabetescuidados-com-saude.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.