Meaning of Bomber (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Bomb man is the name given to the terrorist who commits suicide with explosives in his body, destroying and killing all the people around him.

The suicide bombers are the protagonists of the calls "suicide attacks", a military combat tactic that consists in sacrificing the attacker's life in order to destroy a specific place or kill a large number of enemies.

Currently, suicide bombers are known as the islamic terrorists, especially those who belong directly or indirectly to the self-styled extremist group "Islamic state".

Learn more about Islamic state.

The practice of suicide bombers is not new. According to historical records, between the 14th and 16th centuries, the fighters of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire were already known to be “suicide warriors” (bashi-bazouks).

What drives terrorists to commit suicide during attacks is the belief that they are participating in a “holy war”. Through the religious teachings they receive, they believe that will receive eternal life as a reward for this "act of faith".

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Even though they are the majority, it is not just men who commit suicide in the name of their religious principles. Some women also take this position, becoming known as “bomb women”.

Suicide attacks are not exclusive to Islamic extremists. During World War II, the military aviators of the Japanese Empire who belonged to the Special Body Shock Attack Group, were popularly known as Kamikaze (“divine wind”, in Portuguese), as they used to attack their enemies with the impact of their own planes.

know more about Kamikaze.

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