Whale hunting. Ban on hunting whales

Although the environmental issue is currently a subject in evidence, there are still as many archaic practices, an example of this are the countries that carry out predatory fishing in the oceans and seas, however, for such accomplishments they do not comply, in most cases, with the procedures and standards imposed by international preservation agreements and conferences, so failure to comply with such restrictions puts a series of lives at risk. seascapes.

In the context of marine animals, the whale was punished for a long time by intense hunting, this continuous process has caused a marked decrease in the variety and quantity of this species. animal.
Concerned about the possible premature extinction of these large marine animals, the governments defined that from 1985 onwards there would be suspension of whaling for commercial purposes, this was only possible through the signing of an international agreement between the countries. fishing boats.

However, the simple signature did not restrict this deplorable practice, since countries like Japan, Norway and Iceland did not end such economic activity. International organizations in defense of the environment put pressure on these countries, however, the mentioned nations justify their practices by stating that the consumption of the meat of this animal is part of their respective cultures and, in addition, these cause a decrease in the supply of fish in the oceans and seas.

According to whale advocacy groups, these justifications are false, since the real intention of fishing countries is to make profits from the products derived from the whale.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

General geography - geography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/caca-baleias.htm

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