Relation between prepositions and verbal regency

Discussing the facts that guide the language is always beneficial, given the improvement of our linguistic competence. This is the reason that leads us to another one of them, this time entering the scene...

"Relationships between prepositions and verbal regency"

It is a linguistic episode whose actors, as you can see, are represented by prepositions and verbal regency: representing scenes of everyday life. Why “from everyday life”? Because the fact, the occurrence, is present in our daily communications and, as such, we need to be aware of some details, which can never go unnoticed.

It is not necessary to go much further to understand that verbal rulership is nothing more than the relationship established between verbs and their respective complements. Among this relationship there are those that indispensably require the use of prepositions. Based on this principle, above all relying on some examples, let us make sure of some information:

This is the book everyone needed.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Well, whoever needs it needs something. Thus, reformulating the discourse, we obtain:

This is the book that everyone (or that) needed.

That's the only friend I trust.How, if when we trust, we always trust someone? That is, the correct thing would be:

That's the only friend (or in whom) I trust.

This is the idea I am referring to.You reference something, don't you? Therefore, take care that such speech is expressed as follows:

This is the idea I am referring to.

We lost the teacher the students liked the most.Where are you, dear preposition? If we like, we like someone. I.e:

We lost the teacher the students liked the most.

These, among many others, represent the many examples where the close relationship between prepositions and verbal regency is demarcated.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Relation between prepositions and verbal rulership"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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