Goji berry. The power of Goji berry

Lately, a new fruit has invaded social networks, supermarkets and some websites with a promise that attracts many people: weight loss. Typical of South Asia, the Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum), according to some sources, in addition to reducing weight, it makes men improve their sexual power and fights some diseases.

The berry, used for a long time in traditional Asian medicine, is rich in vitamins, mainly C, minerals, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and polysaccharides. The goji berry is a powerful antioxidant, fighting aging and helping to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, among others. It is also beneficial in glucose control in diabetics and lowers cholesterol levels. Its power to lose weight is supported by studies that indicate its ability to increase metabolic rate.

Some works indicate that the consumption of goji berry daily for at least two weeks causes a significant improvement in sense of well-being, reducing fatigue and stress. In addition, there is an improvement in neurological, psychological and even gastrointestinal functions.

Here in our country, the goji berry is most often found in dehydrated form, but it can be purchased fresh and also in capsule form. It is normally sold in stores specializing in natural products. Fruit can be consumed pure or mixed with cereals and yogurts, for example. The recommendation is that an average of 30g of dry material be used per day.

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Despite not being a toxic plant, there are not many studies on the interaction of this plant with some drugs. So far, what is known is that the fruit has interaction with aspirin, antihypertensives and antidiabetics. Therefore, use should be done with caution. Furthermore, little is known about the effects of its use in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children, in which case it is not recommended.

Remember that no plant is miraculous, so the use of this fruit is beneficial when associated with a healthy and balanced diet, in addition to regular exercise. It is also important to always inform your nutritionist that you are using any type of food to complement your diet.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Goji berry"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/goji-berry.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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