Difference between "NO" and "NONE"

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There are a few English words used to deny something in the sentence: the negative words. Among them are: no, not, never, none, nobody. In this text we'll keep to the "no" and "none". / There are some English words used to negate something in the sentence: as negative words. Among them, we have: no, not, never, none, nobody. In this text we will stick to “no” and “none”.

AT THE is determiner and can be use as an article. NONE is a pronoun and can be use as an adverb or a noun. Both of them indicate negation. / 'No' (no) is determinant and can be used as an article. 'None' is a pronoun and can be used as an adverb or a noun. Both indicate denial.

AT THE goes before a noun and also can be use to replace "note" or "not any". NONE goes alone, which means, it doesn't need another element to follow it, it can be use to replace “no one” or “nobody”. / 'NO' comes before a noun and can also be used to replace “not a” or “not any”. 'NONE' comes alone, that is, it doesn't need any element to accompany it, and can be used to replace “no one” or “nobody”.

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Examples of the use of AT THE:
Examples of use of “NO”.

⇒ there is at the coffee here today. = There isn't any coffee here today.
There is no coffee here today. = There is no coffee here today.

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 I have at the money. = I don't have money.
I do not have any money. = I don't have money.

⇒ I have at the feelings for him. = I don't have any feelings for him.
I have no feelings for him. = I have no feelings for him.

Other examples:
Another examples:

⇒ I have no time in my routine.
I don't have time in my routine.

 I have no money to send to you.
I don't have money to send to you.

Examples of the use of NONE:
Examples of the use of "None":

⇒ She has three dresses and I have none. = in dresses
She has three dresses and I don't have any. = no dresses

⇒ Yesterday had a lot of chocolate, but today she has none. = in chocolate
Yesterday there was a lot of chocolate, but today there is none. = no chocolate.

Other examples:
Another examples:

⇒ None of us want to travel next weekend.
None of us want to travel next weekend.

⇒ None of them was only difficult as the second one.
None of them were as difficult as the second.


In English, it is not correct to say, for example: "I was not doing nothing." (I wasn't doing anything). The correct thing would be: "I was doing nothing." (I'm doing nothing).

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

MOURãO, Janaína Pereira. "Difference between “NO” and “NONE”"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/diferenca-entre-no-none.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.


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