What is preposition?

THE preposition is part of the class of invariant words in the Portuguese language. Its main function is to establish relationships of meaning and dependence between words and sentences, therefore, a relationship of subordination. Although they do not play a syntactic function, prepositions are important for the construction of the text, as they act as connectives, indispensable elements for the textual cohesion.In certain situations, prepositions will be fundamental for understanding the sentence or sentence.

classification of prepositions

To facilitate our studies, the prepositions were classified into essential prepositions and accidental prepositions:

Essential prepositions: We call essential prepositions the words that have no other function in the Portuguese language, acting only as prepositions. Are they:

a, before, until, after, with, against, from, from, in, between, to, before, by, without, under, over, behind.

The players played the game against the home team.

the defendant attended towards the judge for hear the sentence.

students studied for approves in math.

It is important to emphasize that we must not confuse the preposition The with the definite article Theand with the pronoun The, since the preposition is an invariable word, which is not the case with the pronoun and the article, which can be inflected according to the syntactic structure.

Accidental prepositions: Unlike what happens with essential prepositions, which cannot perform any other function than the function of preposition, accidental prepositions are terms that, depending on the context in which find, they can act as prepositions. Are they:

as, according, consonant, except, outside, through, saved, second, if not, tie, seen etc.

Entry to the party will only be allowed through payment.

The students did poorly on the exams, visa who have not studied.

the sentence was given according expected.

The union of two or more words that act as a preposition is given the name of prepositional phrase, and the last word of the phrase will be, necessarily, a preposition. Look at the examples:

Behind, above, because of, close to, next to, next to, below, about, above, next to, according to etc.

Because of his dissatisfaction, the employee resigned from his job.

The child approached and sat down Close of your schoolmates.

The work must be delivered according to the determined rules.

Prepositions can also form combinations and contractions by joining with other words. At combination, the preposition retains all its phonemes. Look at the examples:

a + o(s) = at

preposition + article = combination

The diplomas were delivered to the trainees.

When the preposition joins the other word and, in the process, changes its phonemes, we say that there was a contraction. Look at the examples:

da = de (preposition) + (article)

no = em (preposition) + o (article)

num = em (preposition) + uma (article)

desa = de (preposition) + esse (demonstrative pronoun)

Bentinho moved gives old house on the street Matacavalos.

met in any party and soon got married.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-preposicao.htm

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