Industrial production modalities

The process of industrial development began at the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century, from then onwards there was the need to seek ways to better control spending, productivity, worker and return financial.

Therefore, over time, different types of models and production systems emerged industrial, one type always surpassed the other according to the historical moment and their respective needs.


Begun at the beginning of the last century, its main objective was to streamline work in the industry. The creator of this productive system was Frederick Taylor, who believed in the specialization of tasks, that is, the worker developed a single activity, for example, someone who put the headlights on cars in the auto industry would do just that all day without knowing the procedures of the other stages of production, in addition to monitoring the time spent to carry out tasks and rewarding those who had a great income in their work.


This mode of production was created from Taylorism, with his mentor Henry Ford in the 1920s. His idea was developed in his own automobile industry, Ford, based on function and installation specialization. of endless mats on the assembly line, as the product moved on the mat, the worker performed his function. With this, it aimed to reduce the time spent at work, increase productivity, reduce production cost and, above all, carry out mass production for consumption to occur at the same step.


A production system created in Japan that had computer and robotics technology at its base, this took place in the 1970s, and was first used in the Toyota factory. In this mode of production, the worker is not limited to a single task, the worker develops several activities in production. Another creation of this system is just-in-time, producing from a stipulated time with the intention of regulating stocks and raw materials.


At the end of the last century, a new model of organizing and managing industrial production emerged. As with most other production models, this one was developed at the Volvo factory, and combined manual execution and automation. At Volvism there is a great investment in the worker in training and improvement, in the sense that he can fully produce a vehicle in all the steps, in addition to valuing creativity and collective work and the company's concern with the employee's well-being, as well as their physical and mental.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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