Meaning of Individual (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Individual consists of an individual being, known for its single and indivisible existence. This term is often used as a synonym for citizen, that is, a human being inserted in a social environment.

In biological sciences, an individual is any living organism that belongs to a species, distinguishing itself from others due to its particular characteristics.

As for Sociology and Philosophy, the individual - as a synonym for human being / citizen - is the one who has a own identity that distinguishes him from other individuals.

Learn more about meaning of identity.

By extension, the word “individual” can also be used in a pejorative sense, referring to someone who is despicable or unworthy of something.

individual and society

From the point of view of Social Sciences, the individual is forming part of a society. This, in turn, is constituted from the set of all social relations that individuals maintain among themselves.

Just as individuals are responsible for shaping society, society is also directly involved in shaping the individual, since this, since birth, must learn to follow the rules and moral behavior that are dictated by the social environment that inhabits.

Contrary to the idea of ​​uniqueness that revolves around the individual, a society must present some standards that serve to unite and organize individuals.

However, it is worth remembering that there are also different societies, each one usually present their peculiarities, mainly linked to the culture and traditions of the people who make up.

Among some of the leading theorists known for studying the relationship between individuals and society are: Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917), Max Weber (1864 – 1920) and Karl Marx (1818 – 1883).

Learn more about meaning of society.

Synonyms for individual

  • People;
  • Creature;
  • Subject;
  • Human;
  • Character;
  • Element;
  • So-and-so;
  • Whole;
  • Indivisible;
  • Singular;
  • Single.
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