Electronic correspondence - peculiar aspects

There is nothing to discuss: the advent of technological resources facilitated and, above all, made human relations agile. However, it is worth mentioning that our purpose is not to discuss about such benefits, but to point out about the characteristics of one of the representative cases of the occurrence in question: the correspondence electronics. Therefore, it is convenient to propose a relevant question: is the e-mail made up of details related to writing? Is it necessary to have specific care with this type of communication?

Well, the same skills that we develop through the production of a text, taking into account all the aspects that guide the written language, must be applied to the modality in question, as we must notably be aware that speed, agility, do without two priority elements: clarity and objectivity. To do so, behold, some basic procedures on the part of the writer tend to make such aspects materialize effectively, allowing the interlocution to take place in an effective way. plausible. Among them we can highlight:

* Adaptation to the level of formality – Even with a greater degree of informality between interlocutors, it does not mean that the message does not have to be clear. Therefore, the convenient thing is not to write as if you were talking, abusing poorly organized and meaningless sentences, but rather to try to make yourself understood, above all.
In the case of a business communication, in order to replace a memorandum or an internal communication, care should be even more refined, as in this case, formality is a preponderant factor. In this sense, the content must be taken into account and the interlocutor must avoid possible “stumbling blocks”. Thus, a good choice is the constant contact with the reading of good books and the constant practice of writing.

* Rereading – Such procedure is of fundamental importance, as in other circumstances. In the meantime, it is worth mentioning that knowledge of grammatical facts is of great value, especially the ability to correctly use punctuation marks, in order to avoid possible “mistakes”, such as a bad comma placed. Therefore, it never hurts to reread the message, with a view to checking if the discursive purpose is up to the intended objective.

* Clarity of the phrasal topic – This is a procedure that will facilitate the interaction between the interlocutors, because when portraying what is treats, the recipient will be aware of the subject even before establishing contact with the message itself. said. So, look at an example:

* Email and Reply Verification – Here is a procedure that must be carried out continuously, since in addition to representing a courteous act on the part of both the interlocutors involved, also streamlines and makes concrete the intentions established through the communication now carried out.

* Adequate posture through the materialization of the speech – What we must keep in mind, although already discussed, is that e-mail does not mean that we are face to face with the interlocutor, which is why consideration is synonymous with elegance. To do this, it is best to let emotions flow through personal contact. In case you show some feeling related to disgust, the best thing to do is to put the positive and negative points on another occasion. Therefore, no writing in UPPERCASE, as if we were screaming or any other attitude that reveals such a position.

Based on these assumptions, it is worth mentioning that we need to know how to recognize the limits of this technology, which presupposes an adequate behavior on our part, in all aspects.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Essay - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/a-correspondencia-eletronica-aspectos-peculiares.htm

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