Graphical representation of scalar velocity as a function of time

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In uniform rectilinear motion, velocity is constant and the graph of velocity versus time (V x t) is a constant line parallel to the abscissa axis.

In uniformly varied rectilinear motion, acceleration is constant and velocity is variable with time. The function that determines the speed of a mobile at any time is as follows:

V = V0 + αT

This is a function of the first degree, where α is the constant acceleration of the body at any instant.
As it is a function of the first degree, its graph is a straight line that can take different shapes according to the sign of the acceleration (α>0 or α<0).
If the acceleration is positive (α>0), the velocity can assume one of the following graphic aspects:

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Positive initial velocity

Initial null speed

Negative initial velocity

If the acceleration is negative (α<0), we have that the graph of velocity versus time can take the following forms:

Positive initial velocity

Initial null speed

Negative initial velocity

By Marco Aurélio da Silva
Brazil School Team

mechanics - Physics - Brazil School

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SANTOS, Marco Aurélio da Silva. "Graphical representation of scalar velocity as a function of time"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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