Definition of Birth Rate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

birthrate is the percentage of births in a population, in a certain period of time.

The birth rate of a population gathers information that allows to establish a national panorama of the number of births that were registered during a certain time.

The birth rate is an index obtained between two variables: the population of a certain period and the number of births registered in the same period. By dividing the number of births by the population of the period, the birth rate is obtained.

Birth Rate and Mortality Rate

Under the same conditions, the mortality rate gathers the number of deaths that occurred in a given population during a certain period. The excess of births over deaths expresses the population or vegetative growth of the population, that is, it is a positive growth.

When the number of births is less than the number of deaths, the population shows a negative growth. This growth may still be nil, when the number of births is equal to the number of deaths.

Learn more about Mortality rate and Fertility Rate.

Birth Rate in Brazil

A worrying fact in many developed countries is that the fertility rate is very low, which increases the aging of the population.

In Brazil, over the last decades the fertility rate is decreasing. In 1970, each woman had an average of 5.8 children, in 2013, this rate dropped to 1.77.

The Gross Birth Rate per thousand inhabitants in Brazil, between 2000 and 2015, is approximately 14.16, according to IBGE data in 2013.

Among the countries with the lowest birth rates in the world are: Japan, Russia, Sweden, Italy and Germany, etc. Among those with a higher birth rate are: Afghanistan, Angola, Congo, Somalia, Sudan, etc.

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