Meaning of Axis (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Axle it is a straight line (imaginary or real) that crosses the center of a body and around which that body performs (or can perform) rotational movements. An example is the terrestrial axis, the imaginary line that crosses the center of the Earth. The planet revolves around this axis, whose extremes are the poles.

The axis is a centerline that divides a plane longitudinally. It is a line that divides some geometric figures in half.

In Mechanics, an axle is a piece of wood or metal, at whose ends the wheels of a car or a machine turn.

In the figurative sense, axis is the main point of an event, the most important point, the center, the essence.

In World War II, the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) were defeated by the Allies, formed by the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union.

The term axis can take several meanings, for example:

- Putting it right: putting an issue in order or straightening out someone's conduct.
- Out of axis: out of control, which is not in normal state.

- Leaving the axis: not following the rules, exhibiting an unbalanced behavior.
- Enter the axes: return to normal, showing behavior according to the rules.

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