Le phrase coordinate. the coordinated sentences

Meaning:/ Meaning: * "Collegare due to the proposition of the element of this proposition after a rapport of the coordinator." / Connect two periods or two elements of the same period according to the coordination relationship.

*Definition taken from the Italian Dizionario Garzanti. Garzanti Editrice.

Secondo Maurizio Dardano & Pietro Trifone alla ‘Italian Grammatica con nozioni di linguistica’ si dice che a proposition è coordinate when: “Due o più preposizioni collegate tra loro in moda che ciascuna rimanga autonoma dall’altra or dalle altre.” Osserva l’esempio. / According to Maurizio Dardano & Pietro Trifone for ‘Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica’, it is said that a period is coordinated when: Two or more periods linked together so that each remains autonomous from one and the other. Look at the example.

Example: / Example:

- [Fa freddo] and [non porto la giacca.] / – [It's cold] and [I didn't bring the jacket.]

See che le phrase sono collegate dalla cogiunzione ‘and’. Osserva che ogni phrase esiste una senza l’altra, ossia, sono frasi o proposizioni autonome.

/ See that the sentences are linked by the conjunction ‘and’. Note that each sentence exists without the other, that is, they are autonomous sentences or periods.

Siccome al portoghese, all Italian language and phrase coordinate can be collegate by a congiuzione oppure no. The question is the phenomenon of abbian collegamento: syndectic collegamento (con congiunzioni o con preposizioni) and asyndetico collegamento (con segni d'interpunzione). Vedi gli esempi. / As in Portuguese, in Italian, coordinated sentences can be linked by a conjunction or not. To this phenomenon of binding we have: syndectic binding (with conjunctions or with prepositions) and asyndetic binding (with punctuation marks). See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Fa freddo and non porto la giacca. (sentence coordinata syndetica) / It's cold and I haven't brought my jacket. (syndetic coordinate phrase)

2) Voglio buy from the crash, his caramel, della frutta. (Coordinata asindetica phrase) / I want to buy bread, candy, fruit. (asyndetic coordinate phrase)

It is possible to make a comparative table with the Portuguese language to find it easier to identify the phrasing coordinate syndetiche of the Italian language. Vedi sotto! / It is possible to make a comparative table with the Portuguese language to make it easier to identify the syndetic coordinate phrases in the Italian language. See below!

Allitalian phrase coordinate Coordinated phrases in Portuguese
Copulative coordination Additive Coordination
Avversativa coordination Adverse Coordination
Disgiuntive Coordination Alternative Coordination
Conclusive coordination Final Coordination
Coordinazione Dichiarativa or Esplicativa Explanatory Coordination

Attention! / Heads up!

In this copulative, disgiunttive and avversative coordinazione I can apparire in it phrase and particelle correlative che rafforzano ciò che si dice. Le particelle correlative sono (and... and, right... right, o...o ecc.). Vedi gli esempi. / In additive, alternative and adversative coordination, correlative particles that reinforce what is said may appear in sentences. The correlative particles are and...and, neither...nor, or...or etc. See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) O parlo yo, O parla lui / I either speak or he speaks.

2) Huh gli scripto, huh gli phone. / I neither write nor call you.

3) If viaggio, and if you travel, and if Maria viaggia, chi resta con Giulia? / If I travel, and you travel, and if Maria travels, who stays with Giulia?

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/le-frasi-coordinate.htm

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