The flora of China

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The Chinese vegetation cover is the result of the soil varieties existing in the extensive territory of the country. Another important natural element for the development of these is the diversity of climates present in the territory, as it has continental dimensions that encompass different climates.
In the past, much of the Chinese territory was home to large deciduous and coniferous forests, typical of temperate regions, in the However, they were extinct due to the constant exploitation of the soils for the development of agricultural activities, with that for several centuries they no longer exist.
China faces many problems related to the preservation of its natural heritage, one of the reasons that leads to The precariousness of its biomes is the number of inhabitants, about 1.3 billion people live in the geographic space Chinese. Thus, to meet the needs of the huge population, it is necessary to remove and degrade the natural landscapes. Currently, nature reserves are extremely restricted and live with the risk of disappearing.

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Fearing the extinction of its natural landscapes, the Chinese government seeks to establish measures that guarantee the conservation of part of its ecosystem, the way found was the creation of at least 300 natural reserves that protect approximately 1.8% of the total area of ​​the Chinese territory.
In China, as in most countries in the world, the main agents of destruction of nature are those inserted in the productive process, such as agriculture, the intense urban growth and the growing development industrial.
A single large remaining forest is located in southeast China, close to the Russian border, this place has a characteristic of subarctic climate.
In the south there is the part with the greatest biodiversity due to the tropical climate, which favors the emergence of numerous species of vegetables, this process is due to the amount of energy (sun, high temperature, decomposition of organic matter, etc.) in the local.
One of the main cultivations of native plants is bamboo, since there is a wide variety of species of this vegetable in China.
Bamboo is used in China as food and in buildings, in addition to bamboo, the cultivation of herbs such as ginseg, golden horquilla, angelica and frying are widespread.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

China - geography - Brazil School

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