Tips for reading in English

You always wanted read in English and found some problems in your way? We know its not so easy for someone who is starting learning a new language read it very well, but little things can help when you really decide to do your best for this mission, which isn't impossible! To prove that here follow some hints to help you go ahead and readas much book as you want in Portuguese! / Have you always wanted to read in English and encountered some problems along the way? We know it's not that easy for someone just learning a new language to be able to read very well, but little things can help when you really decide to do your best for this mission, which isn't impossible! To prove this, here are some tips that will help you go ahead and to read so many books in English whatever you want!

  • Start it Right now!/ Start right now!

You definitely don't need to be an expert in English to start read, don't waste time. In the begging, maybe it can be hard, because you're not accustomed to do it, but don't give up!

Even if you don't understand all the words, proceed! You'll see that you can do more than you thought you could and you'll learn more as well./ You definitely don't need to be an English expert to start reading, don't waste your time. At first it might be difficult because you are not used to reading in English, but do not give up! Even if you don't understand all the words, go ahead! You'll find that you can do more than you thought, and you'll learn more too.

  • Make the best choose!/ Make the best choice!

You have to choose a kind of book that you like and some that you already know something about. A good option is start with a book that you have already read in Portuguese, or with a book from the series or movies that you like. And don't forget, the important thing is:don't stop! If it is too difficult for you to look for the first levels, in English have books made by levels, start with the first one and than you can improve your English. / You need to choose a type of book you like and something you already know. A good option is to start with a book you've already read in Portuguese, or with a series or movie book you like. And don't forget, the most important thing is: do not stop! If you are having a lot of difficulty, look for more basic levels, in English there are books classified by levels, start with the first levels and then improve your English.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Chart of English Book's Level: / Table of English book levels:

Easystarts: Maximum 200 keywords

Level 1 – Beginner: 300 keywords

Level 2 – Elementary: 600 keywords

Level 3 – Pre-intermediate: 1200 keywords

Level 4 – Intermediate: 1700 keywords

Level 5 - Young Adult: More than 2000 keywords

  • Run away from the dictionary!/ Run from the dictionary!

When you'll start to read don't worry about all words, don't stay with the dictionary all the time near you looking for all the words that you don't know, that don't! You need to try to comprehend all the context from the book, from the story. You'll understand so much better if you don't stop every time you see some words that you don't know. Read all the Charter, after that, just if you really didn't understand anything at all, you allowed to underline the main words that could help you understand the main idea of ​​the story. But just in the extreme cases, okay? Even if you are having some problems with the understanding, carry on! / When you start reading, don't worry about all the words, don't keep the dictionary close to you all the time, looking up all the words you don't know, do not do this! You need to try to understand the whole context of the book, of the story. You will understand much better if you don't stop reading every time you find a word you don't know. Read the entire chapter after that, only if you don't understand anything you can underline the main words that can help you understand the main idea of ​​the story. But only in the most extreme cases, understood? Even if you're having some problems with understanding, move on!

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

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MOURãO, Janaína Pereira. "Tips for reading in English"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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