Initials. What is the function of the acronym?

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The acronym is a type of abbreviation used to reduce some words, so that there is more agility both when speaking and when writing. It is usually formed by the initials of the terms.
Until recently, it was used to place dots between the letters that make up the acronym and also at the end (UN). However, they are currently unnecessary!
Each acronym has a gender and to know if it is female or male, look at the first word! Thus, we say CEP, EMBRATEL, FIFA, SENAC, etc.
However, the fact of using “o” or “a” to highlight the gender may be based on an idea implicit in the acronym when the first word of the expression that composes it is in the plural. Thus, we say Ceasa instead of Ceasa (Centrals de Abastecimento S.A.). The idea implied here corresponds to the fact that we relate “supply centers” to “warehouses” (the Warehouse = the Ceasa).
Many ask the difference between acronym and abbreviation. The answer is simple, since now, the first one you already know. As the name indicates, the abbreviation is also a type of abbreviation that differs from the acronym in considering a segment of the word while the latter considers the initials.

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For phonological reasons, some acronyms remained in the order of the original language, such as: AIDS (acquired immunodeficience syndrome); CD (compact disc); DNA (d (eoxyribo) n (ucleic) a (cid)), etc.
There are also those that coincidentally are in the same position both in Portuguese and in English, as is the case of: UN (Organization of the United Nations or United Nations Organizations).
We see many acronyms being used within the economy where there are many taxes, fees.
See some examples of acronyms:
CEP - Postal Address Code
DETRAN - State Department of Transit
EMBRATEL – Brazilian Telecommunications Company
FIFA – International Federation of Football Associations
FUNAI – National Indian Foundation
FUVEST – University Foundation for the Entrance Exam
IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
IBOPE – Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics
IGPM - General Market Price Index
IOF - Tax on Credit Operations
INSS – National Institute of Social Security
IPI - Tax on Industrialized Products
IR - Income Tax
ISV - Vehicle tax
UN – United Nations
PIS - Social Integration Program
PASEP - Civil Servant Heritage Formation Program
SENAC - National Service for Commercial Learning
SENAI - National Service for Industrial Learning
SPC - Credit Protection Service
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

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