Chemical history of anesthesia

Follow the evolution process of anesthesia, responsible for the revolution in medicine:
5000 a. Ç. to the eleventh century d. Ç: at that time the methods were quite natural, the Egyptians used plants that caused the sedative effect, whereas the Chinese used acupuncture to anesthetize patients (this method uses needles attached to the body to obtain a relaxation).
16th century to 18th century: alcohol was used in patients who were going to undergo minor surgeries, such as tooth extractions. Alcohol intake was not very efficient, and the patient ended up feeling some pain.
1773: this year the existence of nitrogen dioxide gas was discovered, this gas had the property of making the patient unconscious, it was applied by inhalation.
1846: it was the year in which the first surgery with general anesthesia took place, due to the repercussion, it was performed in public in the United States. A substance capable of taking a person out of their normal state, causing them to faint and thus allowing the work of doctors, what would it be? The ether, which when inhaled causes a deviation of the senses, the patient was unconscious.

1930-1970: the time for injectable anesthesia came, they were safer and in this same period the postoperative recovery rooms, that is, there was a great advance with regard to surgeries. The first anesthesia through the blood was cyclopropane.
1980-2008: at this time, technology allowed the insertion of computers in operating rooms, they were responsible for monitoring the patient. This was an important step in the history of Anesthesia, thanks to modern devices it is possible to record vital functions and even administer the medications applied.
But how do modern anesthesia make the patient sleep soundly?
Anesthetics fall into the bloodstream and go directly to the brain, there are substances present that connect to neurons to keep the body awake, and it is precisely this action that the anesthetics influence. Anesthetics block the action of these substances in the brain leading to a relaxation of the body and total loss of consciousness.
By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Chemical History of Anesthetics"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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