Prevent or prevent?

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Sometimes, we come across some doubts about the spelling of words in the Portuguese language. One is about correct writing between Prevandnir and Previnir. It is a verbregular which indicates the meaning of “anticipating to prevent something from happening, taking precautions”. The spelling of this verb is TO PREVENT.

The doubt about the spelling of the verb TO PREVENT with vowel'and' or with 'i' on Monday syllable is common inPortuguese language by virtue of proximity phonetics of these two vowels in some situations and regions of Brazil.

read others examples of words that can also raise doubts about your orthography because phonetic proximity between the vowels'and' and 'i':

  • hindrance

  • privilege

  • padlock

  • title

  • restless

  • potty

  • parakeet

  • stepdaughter

  • coat

  • champion

Another reason that contributes to our having doubts about the spelling of the verbTO PREVENT and yours conjugation.

Despite its shape in the infinitive be written with the vowel 'and' in the second syllable and most of its conjugated forms also be written with

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vowel'and' in the second syllable, there are some conjugations that bring the vowel 'i' on the second syllable. Watch:

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Conjugations with vowel 'and' on the second syllable:

  • Present tense:

We prevent, you prevent.

  • Perfect past tense of the call:

I prevented it, you prevented it, he prevented it.

  • Imperfect tense of the callsign:

I warned, you warned, he warned.

  • More-than-perfect past tense:

I will prevent it, you will prevent it, he will prevent it.

  • Future of present call:

I will prevent it, you will prevent it, he will prevent it.

  • Future of the past tense of the call:

I would prevent it, you would prevent it, he would prevent it.

  • Imperfect subjunctive past tense:

If I warned, if you prevented, if he prevented.

  • Future of the subjunctive:

When I prevent, when you prevent, when he prevents.

  • Affirmative imperative:

Prevent you, prevent him, let's prevent us.

Conjugations with vowel 'i' on the second syllable:

  • Present tense:

I prevent, you prevent, he prevents, they prevent.

  • Subjunctive present:

May I prevent, that you prevent, that he prevents, that we prevent, that you prevent, that they prevent.

  • Negative imperative:

Don't prevent yourself, don't prevent him, don't prevent us, don't prevent you, don't prevent them.

By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo

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ARAúJO, Luciana Kuchenbecker. "Prevent or prevent?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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