February 7th — National Graphic Day

The graphic - or graphic professional - is the employee responsible for the operation of copying machines and printers, a vital position importance in the current era of the information society, in which data, advertising, information and news are increasingly disseminated quickly. Although information technology works to make digital everything that was previously only printed, the role of printers and their professionals continues to be very relevant.

Therefore, on February 7th, the National Graphic Day, which can also be understood as the National Graphic Professional Day. This date was created in 1923 as a result of a strike that took place at the time among graphic professionals, who demanded better working conditions and fairer wages. The impact and consequent success of the strike were so remarkable that a day of the year was created to honor this important worker and his category.

The main historical figure responsible for the invention of printing and, consequently, for the dissemination of the graphic work was the goldsmith German Johannes Gutenberg (1400-1468), who perfected the technique of printing in molds never seen before, a revolutionary feat accomplished in 1455. Before Gutenberg, making a copy of a book required a scribe and the costs of one unit were very high, making reading a privilege of the elite and the clergy.

Johannes Gutenberg, the first graphic artist and father of modern graphic printing
Johannes Gutenberg, the first graphic artist and father of modern graphic printing

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

After the invention of printing, with the mass manufacture of resistant books, the world saw the expansion of knowledge, which was at the heart of Renaissance period, when new ideals and scientific discoveries began to spread far and wide with an ease never before. found. Until today we can say that Gutenberg's work is of vital importance for the functioning of society.

We can also say that the work of the graphic professional is currently not restricted to printing documents, posters, books and others. This professional has an increasing range of tasks and functions, thanks to the advances provided by the informational revolution, with the creation of graphic digital arts and others, bringing up professionals such as the finalist, the graphic designer and others. There are, therefore, a number of graphic professionals who work in the pre-press, printing and finishing stages.

When we get to know the work of graphic professionals and the importance that these specialists have in the context of society, we can see how much the work force guarantees the reproduction and growth of the systems that structure the our life. Therefore, the date chosen for these workers is more than important to emphasize the relevance of their functions.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "7th February — National Graphic Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-nacional-grafico.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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