Divisibility by 10. Divisibility by 10 criterion

With this article, which deals with the criterion of divisibility by 10, we reach the end of our series of texts referring to the divisibility criteria.

Our numerical base is a decimal base, that is, based on ten digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). We will now analyze and understand the divisibility criterion of number 10.

Let's do a process similar to the divisibility criterion by 5. Here we'll list some of the multiples of the number 10 and see the pattern that sets in these multiples:

Can you see something in common in all these multiples listed for number 10? Look carefully! All end in zero, correct?

Can we already say what is the criterion of divisibility by number 10? Let's do some more tests by multiplying the number 10 by some other number to see if this pattern (of getting a zero at the end of the multiple) is true. Let's do this multiplication by the numbers: 17895 and 336. Do it at home and check the result.


And the pattern of ending at zero repeats itself. That way, I believe we can already write the divisibility criterion by 10!

“A number divisible by 10 is one ending in zero. Example: 110, 220, 32564780".

By Gabriel Alessandro de Oliveira
Graduated in Mathematics
Kids School Team

Divisibility by 10. Divisibility by 10 criterion

Divisibility by 10. Divisibility by 10 criterion

With this article, which deals with the criterion of divisibility by 10, we reach the end of our...

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