Curiosities: dozens of curious facts about the world

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Curiosity is a word originated from latin curiosity, which means “desire for knowledge” or “desire for information”. Curiosity, a characteristic present in humans and other animals, is capable of promoting learning and skill development.

Check it out in the “Curiosities” several facts that are unknown to most people, such as events, intriguing concepts, origin of popular expressions and stories that exist behind some phenomena.

Below are some lists of trivia you've probably never heard of.

Interesting Curiosities

  • THE eachminute, about 72hours content are uploaded to the Youtube video site.

  • It is estimated that, each year, Mount Everest grows 4mm.

  • The dam of the largest hydroelectric plant in the world, the plant ofThree throats, located in China, would extend day length into 0.66 microseconds if it operated at its maximum capacity. This would be due to the huge mass of water it holds.

Due to the enormous mass of dammed water, the Three Gorges Power Plant is capable of altering the Earth's rotational movement.
Due to the enormous mass of dammed water, the Three Gorges Power Plant is capable of altering the Earth's rotational movement.

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  • During the phenomenon supermoon, it is estimated that the lunar diameter can increase by up to 14%.

  • There is a lamp that has been on continuously for more than 113 years old in the city of Livermore, California.

  • The human brain is formed by, approximately 75% water.

  • The hot dog is an invention german from the 15th century.

  • Some animals, like kangaroos, don't stop growing even reaching adulthood.

  • Most cows cannot get down stairs.

  • On average, an adult breathes 550 liters in oxygenpure daily.

  • It is estimated that 4% of the world population is left-handed.

  • The longest word in the Portuguese language refers to a disease caused by breathing volcanic ash: pneumoultramicroscopicosilicovulcanoconiotic.

Sequoias are trees that can reach 115 meters in height, 12 meters in diameter and about 1400 tons, living over 4,500 years old.
Sequoias are trees that can reach 115 meters in height, 12 meters in diameter and about 1400 tons, living over 4,500 years old.

Curiosities about the world

  • Brazil is the country that has the largest Japanese community outside of Japan. Only in São Paulo, more than 600thousand Japanese.

  • O calendar gives Ethiopia é sevenyears oldlate in relation to other countries in the West.

  • The widest avenue in the world, with 14 different lanes, is on the Argentina.

Avenida 9 de Julho, the largest in the world, is in Argentina.
Avenida 9 de Julho, the largest in the world, is in Argentina.

  • More of 10% of all biodiversity of the world is found on the Australian continent.

  • Russia is the biggest country in the world, occupying about 10% of all the earth on the planet.

  • In the Netherlands, it is estimated that the number of bicycles exceeds three times the number of vehicles.

  • The smallest country in the world is the Vatican, with around 800 official inhabitants.

Lookalso: The seven biggest lies on the internet

Scientific Curiosities

  • the sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second due to the nuclear fusion process.

  • A pinhead-sized volume made of the material of a neutron star would have a mass of 1 million tons.

  • The deepest part of the ocean reaches 11 thousand meters.

  • The human skeleton is formed by 206 bones, however, the babies are born with about 270 bones, that fuse into larger bones.

  • The Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of approximately 107 thousand km/h.

  • The human body has more than 96 thousand km of blood vessels.

  • It is estimated that the Universe count on more than 10 billion galaxies.

  • Sunlight takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get to Earth.

  • The day is approximately 23 hours and 56 minutes, not 24 hours. That's why every four years we add one day to the month of February. These years are called leap years.

Curiosities about animals

  • A chicken's flight record is 13 seconds.

  • Mosquitoes are the most lethal animals in the world, causing more human deaths than any war in history. These living beings kill about 725,000 humans annually.

See too: Is it true that cats always land on their feet?

  • A flea can jump up to 350 times its height.

  • Ants are able to lift up to 50 times its own weight.

Ants can lift objects several times heavier than their bodies.
Ants can lift objects several times heavier than their bodies.

  • All mammals are capable of jumping, minus the elephants.

  • giraffes nohasropesvocals.

  • A blue whale's tongue can weigh up to 3.6 tons, the equivalent of the weight of an average elephant.

  • At butterflies have about 12 thousand eyes.

  • You vertebrates more long-lived of the world are the sharksgivesGreenland, who can live about 400 years.

  • There are some living trees around the world that have at least 5000 years old.

  • You polar bears they are, virtually,invisible by heat chambers due to the efficient insulating grease layer that protects them from the cold.

Lookalso: The origin of the expression "to end up in pizza"

Curiosities about Brazil

  • The official name of Brazil is RepublicfederativeofBrazil.

  • The word “brasil” means “red as ember”.

  • Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world.

  • Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world.

  • Brazil is also the country that most deforests nature in the world.

  • Brazil has the greatest biodiversity in the world thanks to the Amazon Forest.

  • of the 30 cities moreviolent of the world, 12 are located in Brazil.

  • All circulating and official currency in Brazil is produced at the Casa da Moeda, in Rio de Janeiro.

  • Tocantins is the newest state in Brazil, founded in 1988.

  • THE Beans and pork is considered the dishnational of Brazil.

Lookalso: What is one deja vu?

Curiosities in Brazil School

At Brasil Escola, you will find curiosities related to several subjects. Access and check out some texts about curious facts to broaden your knowledge and interest in the subjects you learn at school.

  • Anti-inflammatories and antibiotics

  • History of Biology

  • Serum and vaccine

  • The Physics of the Avengers

  • Does cold water help you lose weight?

  • How much does it cost to recharge your cell phone battery?

  • conquest of space

  • The origin of the name America

  • How does fog form?

→ Curiosities of History

  • Five fun facts about the independence of Brazil

  • Fun Facts About Princess Isabel

  • Five Facts About World War II

  • Four couples who made history

→ Curiosities of Mathematics

  • Fibonacci Sequence

  • History of percentages

  • Fun Facts About Dividing Natural Numbers

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