Allergy to cow's milk protein (APLV)

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The protein allergy of the milk of cow (APLV) is a type of food allergy which mainly affects genetically predisposed children. That allergy it can be caused by different proteins contained in milk, however, the fraction that causes the most allergic problems is beta-lactoglobulin. APLV happens when our body identifies milk protein as an invading organism and produces antibodies to fight the protein, causing the allergic process.

About 50% of children with APLV heal spontaneously in the first year of life, and 80% to 90% heal by the fifth year. Among the main symptoms of this problem, we can mentionurticaria, laryngeal edema, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and constipation.

Signs and symptoms of APLV

APLV can affect children who are still exclusively breastfed due to reactions to the food eaten by the mother. In these cases, the manifestation of the problem can be mild or moderate. However, it is common the manifestation of APLV soon after the interruption of breastfeeding and the beginning of the ingestion of other foods. It usually affects the digestive system and the skin.

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We can classify the signs and symptoms of APLV into immediate reactions and late reactions. Immediate reactions occur up to two hours after ingestion of cow's milk, and late reactions can occur hours or even days after ingestion of the food.

immediate reactions




Dry cough

Swelling in the mouth, lips and larynx

Nausea and vomiting

Abdominal pain

Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction that can kill)

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late reactions

chronic diarrhea

bloody stools




APLV Diagnosis

To make the diagnosis of APLV, it is necessary to know the patient's symptoms and also pay attention to the family history. Some tests may be ordered to assess sensitization to milk, in addition to skin tests and provocation tests that can help confirm the diagnosis.

APLV treatment

There is no medicine that cures APLV, but the treatment is relatively simple: exclude foods containing milk protein from the diet. It is important to avoid processed foods and those that do not know how to prepare them. As allergy is qualitative in nature, it is important to emphasize that the amount does not matter, as it can manifest itself even with the consumption of low doses.

In addition to the protein-free diet of milk, other precautions must be taken. There are severe cases where it is even necessary to avoid inhalation and skin contact with milk. Another important point concerns mothers who are still breastfeeding: they should exclude milk from their diet only if it is proven that the child's allergy is due to maternal nutrition.

Heads up: Milk is an important source of nutrients, therefore, the exclusion of this component from the diet causes serious impacts. In this case, some doctors suggest drug supplementation.

KNOW MORE: Also read about the Lactose intolerance to understand the difference between these two health problems.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Allergy to cow's milk protein (APLV)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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