20 Sets of 7 Mistakes to Print

20 Sets of 7 Mistakes to Print

Comparison games are great for testing attention. Check out the 20 sets of the 7 mistakes to prin...

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What is a poem?

O poem is a textual genre written in the form of verses, grouped in stanzas. In the poem, the wor...

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What is depression?

What is depression?

what is depression? THE depression it is a chronic psychic disorder that causes mood changes char...

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SISU 2020: MPF recommends to MEC suspension of SISU registration

Due to inconsistencies in the notes of the National High School Exam (And either) 2019, O Federal...

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Discursive questions about evolution

Discursive questions about evolution

THE species evolution demonstrates through theories that all living beings have common ancestors ...

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14 diseases caused by pesticides

Agriculture is extremely important to the Brazilian economy. This is because, in 2017 alone, agri...

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What is Plateau? What are the main characteristics of the Plateau?

What is Plateau? What are the main characteristics of the Plateau?

The physical formation of the earth's surface is mainly composed of four types of reliefs, Mounta...

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Plasma membrane or plasmalemma

Plasma membrane or plasmalemma

THE plasma membrane or plasmalemma it is a cellular envelope present in all living cells, whether...

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Third Industrial Revolution: what it was, characteristics and main inventions

The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technical-Scientific-Informational Revolution,...

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Mother's Day Lesson Plan

Mother's Day Lesson Plan

O Mothers Day is the day chosen to honor the maternal family figure, as well as motherhood.In Bra...

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Check out the main differences between Poem and Poetry

What is the difference between poem and poetry? Many are confused about the use of the terms 'poe...

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The ten largest deserts in the world and their locations

The ten largest deserts in the world and their locations

Planet Earth is endowed with different formations resulting from its own formation process, as we...

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